Thursday, March 8, 2012


Early one crisp November evening, just around moonrise, we were driving home. I (passenger!) caught a movement out of the corner of my eye,  and looking around, I saw some horses running along in their field, almost as if they were racing the car.  They were headed back to a barn that I could see a ways away, and obviously, were looking forward to their dinner.  It was a magical moment to see these guys thundering past, and we slowed the car to keep pace with them for the few seconds it took before their trail turned away to the barn. This moment has lived in my memory for several years, and I knew that sooner or later, I would paint it.  So here is my memory painting - "RACE YA HOME" , an 8.5 x 10.5 watercolor on Arches 140 Hot Press.
Heather Anderson

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