Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Early last Spring, I was counting my many blessing and as a Thank You to the Universe, I vowed I was going to post one "Happy" thing a day on Facebook.  A week later, one of our beloved Shelties was diagnosed with his second go round with cancer, and suddenly, it became very difficult to find a happy thing each or any day.  The saga went on for many months, with the darkest day being the morning last summer when I lay flat out on the floor of the emergency Vet hospital, face to face with our fragil dog, pleading with him to keep fighting to  stay with us. (It delights me to be able to tell you that this same little Sheltie was out chasing squirrels this morning!)
I still felt I had to honour my committment to post about happy things, so despite the ongoing fatigue and sometimes absolute terror we felt most days at that time, I tried to find happy things to post. And you know what?  There was always something. Maybe it was only looking at the amazing, endless blue of the sky, or a hummingbird hovering, serenading us with the low hum of his wings, but there was something. As Sara Teasdale  said, "Look for a lovely thing and you will find it."   It helped us through the year, and looking back, I see that we have changed. The future might be bright, it might be scary, but today is good. So we have learned to let go of small annoyances, small worries, and focus on the good of today.  I wish you all the blessings of "the good of today."